Life Garden Guides > Poured Out > The Word Weapon

The Word Weapon

In a world
with weaponry,
know this day, dear ones,
the mightiest weapon of all
is the Word of God the Father,
for its power can move mountains
and make seas roar if used right.
It is called the Sword of the Spirit,
and it will conquer any adversary
when used by those who believe
in Jesus Christ as their Savior.
For know this: He is The Word!
Never fail to read it each day,
asking for understanding,
and the Spirit will help
teach you its meaning.
All you need to fight
the enemy, is found
within the Bible.
Fill your mind with it;
learn passages by heart,
and My Spirit will lift out
from the recesses of your mind,
everything needed for your battles
in the moment you need Me most.

Ps. 33:4-6, 119:11, 105; John 1:1, 14, 17:17;
Col. 3:16;Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12

©Carolyn W. Patrinicola 1/14/99

© Carolyn W. Patrinicola 2005; All Rights Reserved.
Copyright Registration number with Library of Congress TX6-265-103,  7/11/05.